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Hotel Kokkola is a cozy and comfortable high-class hotel located right in the middle of the city of Kokkola

Book a room with best avai­lable rates

You can make last minu­te reser­va­tions easi­ly by phone 

+358 44 276 8011.

You’ll find the best rates and all room types only through our own boo­king engine!

Warm­ly welcome!

Accom­mo­da­tion packages

Acti­ve holidays

Hotel Kok­ko­la — for a more acti­ve eve­ry­day life, con­ve­nient­ly loca­ted in the midd­le of the city.

Green Fee

Kok­ko­la Golf Green Fee offer for guests staying at Hotel Kokkola

Sport pac­ka­ge

Sports pac­ka­ge for sport clubs

In the heart of Kokkola

Hotel Kok­ko­la is loca­ted only few steps away from the modern shop­ping cen­ter Chy­de­nia as well as the att­rac­ti­ve old part of the city cal­led Neris­tan and other cul­tu­ral sights of Kok­ko­la. Wit­hin a kilo­me­ter radius are also loca­ted Kok­ko­la City Thea­ter, Snell­mann Hall, Sport Hall, Hol­li­ha­ka Sports Hall and Ice Rink.

Peace­ful accommodation

We offer to our guests along with a friend­ly ser­vice also peace­ful­ness, non-smo­king rooms and came­ra secu­red gara­ge in the basement.

We have special rooms for both busi­ness tra­vel­lers and for fami­lies, as our own inven­tions Busi­ness and Stan­dard Sport rooms. Fami­lia­rize your­self with our room types.

We welco­me you as our guest!


Our recep­tion is open 24/7.
We inform our rates always incl. break­fast, wlan and VAT.


Check in from 3 pm. In order to do check in, guest must be 18 years old.
The street in front of the hotel is par­king disc area. You’ll need a par­king disc on Mon-Fri 8am-6pm and on Sat 8am-3pm. 


Check out latest at noon.


The­re are approxi­ma­te­ly 50 car spaces in guests’ use free of char­ge. More infor­ma­tion and instruc­tion will be given during check in. The street in front of the hotel is par­king disc area. You’ll need a par­king disc on Mon-Fri 8am-6pm and on Sat 8am-3pm. 

Elect­ric car char­ging points are loca­ted in the upper back yard of the hotel. The char­ging points are avai­lable via Easy­Park applica­tion. It is not pos­sible to reser­ve a char­ging point in advance. When your car is char­ged, plea­se free up the place for other guests and move your car to hotel’s par­king areas. Thank you 


Pets are welco­me in our hotel. Ask more at reception.

Feed­back from our guests

 “Clean big room. Good loca­tion near super­mar­ket and res­tau­rant.

“Small hotel in the heart of the city. Sur­roun­ded with nice res­tau­rants just around cor­ner. Spacy rooms with AC. Friend­ly staff hel­ping with city att­rac­tions. Soft beds giving good sleep.”

Loca­ted very cent­ral­ly. Clean. Qui­et. Can rent bikes and bor­row exerci­se equip­ment. The break­fast was the high­light for me. I’m into healt­hy eating and had so many options from the orga­nic display. Even items such as gin­ger shots and raw por­rid­ge are ser­ved. We stayed two nights. Beds are com­fy. Enough pil­lows. Friend­ly staff.