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Welco­me for breakfast

Eat well from an exten­si­ve break­fast buf­fet in our break­fast res­tau­rant. In the selec­tion you will find both orga­nic and local pro­ducts, as well as groats, cereals and mues­li. The­re is also glu­ten-free alternatives.

Break­fast is served

During week­days (Mon-Fri) 6.30–10 am
During wee­kends and Natio­nal holi­days 7.30–11 am
Also other times accor­ding to agreement.

Lob­by kiosk

A small lob­by kiosk with snacks and soft drinks will be at your ser­vice at the reception.

Pre-order res­tau­rant

Our pre-order res­tau­rant will ser­ve mee­ting and sport groups, as well as other visi­ting groups (min 20 persons/group).

The res­tau­rant focuses on pre-orde­red lunc­hes and din­ners, ser­ving them in an honest home coo­ked sty­le. Dif­fe­rent feasts and the­me nights can also be arran­ged group-wise.

More infor­ma­tion


Sau­na is loca­ted at the 2nd floor. Our hotel guests can use the sau­na free of charge.

Sau­na hours (mon-sat)

Ladies: 5pm-6pm & 7pm-8pm
Gent­le­men: 6pm-7pm & 8pm-9pm

Plea­se take the towel from the room with you. 

Len­ding point

From our len­ding point you can free­ly lend books as well as relaxa­tion- and exerci­se equip­ments to your room during your stay. 

The len­ding point is loca­ted on the second floor

Play area

The­re is a play area for the children with toys and books in the lob­by. You may also lend the books and games to your room during your stay.


The­re are approxi­ma­te­ly 50 car spaces in guests’ use free of char­ge. Dri­ving instruc­tions will be given when chec­king in, the room key is nee­ded for the ent­rance to the gara­ge. Plea­se notice that the street in front of the hotel is par­king disc area. You’ll need a par­king disc on Mon-Fri 8am-6pm and on Sat 8am-3pm.